Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

beautiful memories with IEA07

First-half holiday yesterday we held a class 1ea07 Anyer beach vacation. The difference this holiday with this holiday vacation is held under the slogan “from our initial work until the end of the process and we also work team”. With the leadership and guidance of the class president of careful, intelligent and careful in observing existing problems teamlah finally working thanks to this event can be held smoothly.
The story is not up on the coast of Anyer because we all race each day with a surf beach of race. With the waves are so tempting and the cool wind that I and my friends could not dissolve in the atmosphere nature of view and be one with nature. Sun plans were not spared from all of us.
After noon we were all preoccupied with the coast. Sorena me and my friends do not forget to try the challenge BANANA BOAT yuk that was so intense inside the wading the surf. That night we were working in teams to prepare dinner with chicken and corn baker event. With teamwork. Food was quickly completed. In an event to this Anyer that can be learned is when a fire event is very closely together in friendship that could not be in the pay of any kind.

At the start of struggle after UTS the survey team conducted the survey places before making a trip to Anyer. With hard work we finally get a good spot and in accordance with the financial friends. Anyer beach vacation is a memorable experience because I was in demand to find a nice place with views of the natural and blend with nature.
Friendship and brotherhood not only us but also apply in Anyer when we arrived on campus. Many memories are left but not the friendship and brotherhood that we made

what does good instructor like?

The instructor is someone who has an important role in the development of education. Without him, Human Resources will be destroyed. So, it is very important to educate Some people say that the professor is teaching researchers. He researched and developed a science and he also teach or educate prospective practitioners and scientists who will develop the knowledge and applying research results to solve various problems of society.
As for my opinion is quite good if the instructor can, for example in the way of teaching can make students do not feel bored and tired, could be good for students to socialize, be firm but not on the justifiable use of violence, have a high enough patience in teaching students.
In addition the instructor must also be able to have a different character from the others who favored by students if the instructor was able to meet the above criteria will be created in my opinion a good class atmosphere and not boring.


The use of media and paper stationery to order food and drinks in restaurants is still in use today, but many see the constraints include the existence of a double booking (redundancies), no reservations urutnya making his notes from overlapping orders, especially when crowded visitors, recording errors also due to the difficulty reading handwriting. The design of this reservation application consists of the design for the client, to cashier and to the kitchen. The design process for each of p consisting of erancangan the navigation structure, flowchart, entity relationship diagrams, normalization, database and display design. Reservations in the client application consists of the design location info, menus, and reservations about. In pemesana n consists of a message, null and history. The message consists of a message to the table, food and beverage orders and checks. Application to register the design of the page consists of food, beverages, plus menus, change the menu, transactions and payments. While the application to consist of kitchen design for ordering and status. With the application made is expected to replace the food and beverage orders using paper media and stationery.

Adi Sasongko,
Program Sarjana, Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, 2007
Universitas Gunadarma
Kata Kunci :
Penggunaan media alat tulis dan kertas untuk pemesanan makanan dan minuman di rumah makan masih digunakan sampai saat ini namun banyak menemui kendala-kendala antara lain adanya pemesanan yang rangkap (redudansi), tidak urutnya pembuatan pemesanan akibat bertumpuk nya nota pemesanan terutama pada saat ramai pengunjung, juga kesalahan pencatatan akibat sulitnya membaca tulisan tangan. Perancangan aplikasi pemesanan ini terdiri dari perancangan untuk client, untuk kasir dan untuk dapur. Proses perancangan untuk tiap p erancangan bagian terdiri dari struktur navigasi, flowchart, entity relationship diagram, normalisasi, database dan perancangan tampilan. Aplikasi pemesanan pada client terdiri dari perancangan info lokasi, daftar menu, tentang dan pemesanan. Pada pemesana n terdiri dari pesan, batal dan history. Pesan terdiri dari pesan untuk meja, makanan dan minuman serta cek pesanan. Aplikasi untuk kasir terdiri atas perancangan halaman makanan, minuman, tambah menu, ubah menu, transaksi dan pembayaran. Sedangkan aplikasi untuk dapur terdiri dari perancangan untuk pemesanan dan status. Dengan dibuatnya aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat menggantikan pemesanan makanan dan minuman yang menggunakan media kertas dan alat tulis.

hasil terjemahan saya :

The use of media and paper stationery to order food and drinks in restaurants is still in use today, but many see the constraints include the existence of a double booking (redundancies), no reservations urutnya making his notes from overlapping orders, especially when crowded visitors, recording errors also due to the difficulty reading handwriting. The design of this reservation application consists of the design for the client, to cashier and to the kitchen. The design process for each of p consisting of erancangan the navigation structure, flowchart, entity relationship diagrams, normalization, database and display design. Reservations in the client application consists of the design location info, menus, and reservations about. In pemesana n consists of a message, null and history. The message consists of a message to the table, food and beverage orders and checks. Application to register the design of the page consists of food, beverages, plus menus, change the menu, transactions and payments. While the application to consist of kitchen design for ordering and status. With the application made is expected to replace the food and beverage orders using paper media and stationery.